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Double S starts the path to become a "Benefit Company"

On June 28th, 2022, the Board of Directors of Double S resolved to submit the statutory amendments related to the adoption of the status of “Benefit Company” for approval by the Shareholders’ Meeting.

Thus the path to become a B Comp has begun. The decision to adopt the status of “Benefit Company” has been strongly desired by the CEO, Mr. Stefano Sardara, in order to make even more evident the values that are the basis of the business of Double S.

“Business is one of the main factors on which not only the production of wealth and well-being depends, but also the social and environmental balances. The Benefit Company therefore represents a valid and concrete response to the needs of our time, with the aim of generating value in a long-term perspective”.


About Double S

Double S Insurance Broker S.p.A. is one of the leading retail insurance brokers and a member of the Italian Association of Insurance Brokers (AIBA), operating nationally and internationally, which was born from the collaboration of a staff of professionals who have thirty years of experience in the insurance sector, acquiring a high level of competence, innovation, quality and efficiency in resource and risk management.

In April 2021, Double S was acquired by US brokerage firm Acrisure, which ranks among thetop-10 global brokers and top fintech service providers.

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